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Your Personalized Plan

Whether you’re seeking personal improvement for yourself, organizational change through a focus on your employees, help for a friend or family member, or greater community or family unity, this personalized plan in the ‘secret sauce’ I’ve discovered that dramatically changed my life and has consistently delivered results for my business and individual clients.  

This framework will help you fine-tune the elements I’ve shared with you throughout this book to create your actionable plan.  The process is the same whether you’re a first-time user of this system, or you’ve already gone through it yourself and are now helping others in their personal growth journeys. 

Here are a few housekeeping items to help you make the most of creating your action plan:

Don’t get overwhelmed.  You’re taking the first steps of a life-changing journey.  It’s easy to feel like you have to have everything figured out and implemented today.  You don’t.  Pace yourself and enjoy your incremental wins!

Complete the elements of the plan in order.  This process works best when you implement each element as you go, so you can build on it with the next step.  It’s like building your dream home: foundation first, then walls, with the roof coming next.  You can’t install the windows that will allow you to see your future in a non-existent wall. 

Think “good enough” instead of “perfect.”  Preparation and planning are essential, but if you are one who doesn’t want to pull the trigger on anything until every piece of the puzzle is in place, it will be difficult for you to progress.  We’ve talked about the power of movement.  It’s real!  Find answers that are “good enough” to get moving.  Then act!  As you do, you’ll see vistas open up that you would not have if you were idly stuck in the mode of daydreaming or overthinking.

Be consistent.  A little time invested every day will dispel darkness, invite light, and energize your journey far more powerfully than a larger block of time allocated occasionally to your efforts.  Choose a sustainable cadence for your journey, commit to it, then make it part of your daily routine. 

Are you in?  Great!  Let’s create your personalized plan.  

Every successful project needs a plan. This personalized plan is designed to help you navigate your journey in a step-by-step format.  You may choose to use a notebook or paper journal to write your plan or, if it’s easier and more effective for you to type, you can create your plan digitally in a Google Doc. Both methods have merit. You decide which is best suited to you.